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Why We Haven't Released a New Coffee in a Long Time

Want to know something funny?

Not "ha ha" funny. More like, "huh?" funny.

Writer's Block Coffee originally started out with just one coffee. Appropriately enough, it was called "Writer's Block Coffee." It's still for sale.

Back in the olden times of 2018, that was enough.

It remained enough for a few years, until customers said they wanted a dark roast. Deadline Dark Roast was the result.

Then we had the chance to add a unique, whiskey barrel-aged coffee. So we did.

That gets this story through to today.

Three coffees.

That's it.



There was a fourth one, perfect for cold brew. No one bought it, though. That's all we'll talk about that one.

So, three.

"Why not add more?" you might think. "Some coffee brands carry dozens."

We're picky. Really picky.

Not only do the characteristics of the coffee need to match our values (specialty grade, natural process, single-origin, farm direct, price), it needs to fit inside the "taste portfolio" of Writer's Block Coffee.

The way the coffee brews and tastes should say something about Writer's Block Coffee. Our coffees have character. They breathe.

That's why going down the road of adding a coffee is not a walk in the park. We need support.

The good news is you can help us.

Our tipping system isn't only there to help us disrupt unsustainable business practices like greedflation. Those tips provide the support we need to know you're with us.

Honestly, it's not worth it if you're not.

We set a tip goal and made it public for everyone to see. Check it out.

Tip goal for cheap coffee beans

Just like it says, we'll release a new coffee once our tip goal is met.

Exactly how we'll release it is still up for debate. Will customers get a vote? Should we just pick one? What about naming the coffee?

Most importantly, will a contest for the best coffee pun answer all of those questions?

There's only one way to find out!

Let's hit that tip goal.

Let's stick it to those big brands who treat you like a useful idiot.

Let's change the world, one cup of coffee at a time.




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