Coming Clean: The TRUTH About Why We Ask for Tips
We ask customers for tips. A lot. Is there a secret reason behind this?
The reason is exactly what we've stated right out front from the very beginning. Tips are how we grow, since the price you pay covers only the cost of getting roast-to-order coffee beans into your hands.
In other words, you determine how much Writer's Block Coffee should profit.
This is a radical departure from how many companies--especially large ones--normally do business. They start with the question, "How can we get the most money out of our customers?"
We here at Writer's Block Coffee are different.
Instead, we ask, "How can we earn the right to exist for our customers?"
We do this by offering specialty-grade, roasted-to-order coffee beans at cost, with free shipping in the United States.
You'd be forgiven for thinking, "That's too good to be true."
It's not. See for yourself and order a bag of coffee. The proof will hit your mailbox like a coffee-scented grenade.
Still, you might suppose, "You say you sell at cost, but you probably bake profit into the price anyway."
Not true at all.
For example, as of this writing, a 12-ounce bag of Deadline Dark is priced at $14.97.
Of that, $14.25 goes to the combined cost of the beans, the roasting, the fulfillment, and the shipping.
Here's the price list from our partner:

The remaining 72 cents goes to payment processing.
We say we sell at cost, because we do.
If you want to take it even further, we actually sell at a loss.
The costs to maintain our website, to run the software that makes everything tick, and to physically run the business are not reflected in the price customers pay.
That means if we don't ask for tips, we go extinct. Done. Finished. Kaput.
Yes, it's risky, but it all goes back to one thing: earning your business.
If we can keep you happy with our coffee, we know this will all work out.
Why mention all of this?
Because online scams are everywhere. It's completely reasonable to think an offer is too good to be true.
Now you can see why Writer's Block Coffee is the exception.
These are our values. We live by them, and--with your help--we won't die by them.
We'll thrive.